Successfully concluded a captivating 'Pcr And Qpcr Overview' hands-on demonstration utilizing the Bioer Quantgene 9600! Participants gained valuable insights into PCR principles and experienced real-world applications firsthand. Thank you to all who participated!

We had an enjoyable experience demonstrating the Quangene 9600 on 4 December 2024. This provided an opportunity to learn about contemporary gene expression analysis techniques and investigate the robust capabilities of the Quantgene 9600 Fluorescent Quantitative Detection System

Looking back at a successful 'Intensive Cell Culture Hands-On' workshop! Participants were engaged and enthusiastic throughout the day, mastering essential techniques and gaining valuable hands-on experience.

Successfully demonstrated the GeneExplorer Thermal Cycler (GE-96S) to an enthusiastic audience! Attendees gained a solid understanding of the fundamental thermal cycling steps (denaturation, annealing, and extension) and explored its diverse applications.

Witness the remarkable accomplishments of our workshop participants! Over the two days, they engaged in DNA extraction, PCR, gel electrophoresis, and data analysis. Exciting science events are on the horizon!

The 'Beyond the Basics: pH Meter and Pipette Workshop' was deemed a success. The workshop provided a valuable opportunity for learning and knowledge sharing among participants. We express our sincere appreciation to METTLER TOLEDO for their support and the expertise they graciously provided.

Nurturing future microbiologists! Our Microbiology Basic Technique Workshop was a resounding success! Participants gained valuable real-world experience through hands-on training in media preparation, diverse culturing techniques, and Gram staining.

We are pleased to announce the successful completion of our 'Mastering Basic Cell Culture Techniques Workshop' held on July 26th. It was a rewarding experience sharing knowledge and expertise with all participants. We extend our sincere gratitude to everyone who attended.

A simple but ceremonious donation handover ceremony was held on 20 October 2021. The ceremony was witnessed by Director of Hospital Pengajar Universiti Putra Malaysia, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hj. Muhammad Bin Mohd Isa, Prof. Dr. Syafinaz Amin Nordin and Dr. Narcisse MS Joseph. It is our commitment to continuing support the nation and the society during these challenging times.

Biotek Abadi Sdn Bhd is honored to contribute and assist Ministry of Science Technology & Innovation and Malaysia Genome Institute with the supply of Macherey-Nagel Nucleospin RNA Virus Extraction kit, Vazyme Virus RNA RT-qPCR Detection kit, Vazyme 2019-Novel Coronavirus Triplex RT-qPCR Detection Kit etc. for use in COVID-19 sample screening and BSL3 laboratory management.